Blog Articles

This and That: Animal Protagonists

In this blog series we'll make recommendations for new reads based on your old favorites. This month we are tackling series with animal main characters. If you enjoyed Redwall and The Rats of NIMH series growing up or just like anthropomorphic animals, give these titles a shot!

Review: Hyperion #1

Writer: Chuck Wendig

Art: Nik Virella and Romulo Fajardo Jr.

Gallery: Daredevil Vs. Punisher Covers

With the second season of Daredevil arriving on Netflix from Marvel Studios, we thought it'd be cool to take a look at some of the covers released throughout the years of The Man Without Fear and The Punisher! Feast your eyes (or use your radar sense)!

Haunted Mansion #1

Haunted Mansion #1

Writer: Joshua Williamson

Artist: Jorge Coelho

Another Castle Review

Check out what CC staffer Aly thought of Oni's new book "Another Castle".