Saturday Morning Cartoon Pajama Party - CC 2nd Saturday

Where: Collectors Corner Bel Air
When: Saturday, September 10th 9am-3pm

RSVP on Facebook

Remember when Saturday mornings were about waking up early, pouring a big bowl of cereal, and staring at the TV for hours on end? Well Collectors Corner Bel Air is excited to announce that our next "CC 2nd Saturday" event will involve jumping head-first into a pool of nostalgia and watching some of the best Saturday morning cartoons of all time.

We will be providing a free assortment of donuts and classic breakfast cereals to munch on while hanging out and watching cartoons. Wear your pajamas to the event to earn an extra 5% off any of the weekend sales happening at the time (and to also prove just how cool you are).

If you want to spend a Saturday morning pretending like you're 10 years old again, CC Bel Air has got you covered. If you have any suggestions for shows to watch during the event, make sure to let us know on Facebook!

Posted by Matt
Tags: sales events