Peter Parker: The Spectacular Spider-man #1

Writer: Chip Zdarsky
Art: Adam Kubert
Freshly released, this new series takes Peter Parker back to New York City for some classic style heroics. Featuring a smattering of classic villains and characters, this is core Spider-man, free of the ties that kept him away from the city he loves. Chip Zdarsky writes this very funny and well plotted 40 page issue that is so refreshing considering the antics and events that have surrounded Spidey in the last few years. Taking the bull by the horns, Zdarsky wastes no time introducing a possible new love interest, new supporting characters, and the promise of shakeups to come. It’s a fast read, one that’s over all too soon, but as a long time Spider-man fan, this is the Peter Parker Spidey book I’ve been want for a long while.
Adam Kubert’s art is excellent as is typical; his action comes to life even in panels where dialogue is heavy. Visual, clean, and beautiful, Kubert’s art is a great accompaniment to Zdarsky’s words.