MTG BATTLE FOR ZENDIKAR Pre-Release @ Collectors Corner HQ - MD

MTG BATTLE FOR ZENDIKAR Pre-Release @ Collectors Corner HQ - MD
It’s the time of the year again when we gear up and prepare ourselves for the next pre-release. This time it's MTG BATTLE FOR ZENDIKAR
We’ve got a full weekend of pre-release EVENTS (3) lined up for you and we’re excited to bring you the details.
MTG BATTLE FOR ZENDIKAR Pre-Release Weekend at Collectors Corner!
1) Pre-Release #1 - MIDNIGHT 26th - OPEN 11:55 pm on September 2015.
FIRST 20 In Line at 11:55 - 09/25 to Pay Entry Fee, or Present Receipt for Pre-Registration will Receive a Customer Art Playmat.
*Starts (MIDNIGHT)! (Sept 26th)
2) Pre-Release #2 - 12pm (Noon) on 09.26.2015
TOP 4 Saturday Each Get a 4 Pocket UP card Binder in addition to prize payout.
3) Pre-Release #3 - 12 (Noon) on 09.27.2015
*Pre-Register for either EVENT for $28 up until Friday SEPT 25th, Save $2 off by Pre-registering & guaranteeing your spot in the event.
3 Day SPECIAL -SIGN up for all 3 days before Friday for $80.
Entry is $30 for all events and store credit may not be used to enter. We will be raffling off 4 $25 gift cards at the midnight event so you definitely want to be there for that. There will be PIZZA provided & Refreshments (Soda & Bottled Water) for both events.
In addition this MIDNIGHT event will be capped at 30 players. Our first two midnight releases sold out, so if you want to play in this event, please pre-register. The entry fee will cover your seeded pre-release pack to build your deck, land, and of course adding 2 prize packs to the pool per person. As always it will be a 4 round tournament and prizes are based on record with a 2-2 receiving prizes.
A NOTE – the point of a pre-release is to get new cards into as many players’ hands as possible. We will not be “playing it out” with a few top players getting all the prizes. That completely invalidates the purpose of the event.
We will also be giving out at least 4 RAFFLE prizes at each event that will include Custom CC Logo STORE Playmats, Deck Boxes and MTG Single Cards with a Value of $10 or more. Enjoy Collectors Corner's comfortable Huge Gaming Space, Elbow room and Air conditioning, Restrooms too.
Store Singles will also be On Sale 25% Off Sticker Prices All Days of Events.
Prizes will be based on attendance.
The format is sealed deck.
Any questions? Direct Inquiries and questions to collectorscornermd@comcast