Collectors Corner #16 - Greg Larocque Art Class & CC Candid Camera!

Collectors Cornered #16 - Greg Larocque Art Class & CC Candid Camera! Collectors Cornered is a weekly video column, filmed inside Collectors Corner in Baltimore. Join us every week as we discuss comic book news from a different point of view and get instant feedback from real customers on New Comics Day, as we literally corner them and and ask questions about comic books and related topics. Unscripted, reality CC.

This week we take a peek at Greg LaRocque teaching the 1st of a series of 8 Comic Book Art instructional classes taking place in the store. Then a few customers talk about what they are reading currently and buying this week at the store. Then we sneak up on store Manager Dave and customer Josh L. discussing Brian Michael Bendis, The Avengers titles and some other comics including Amazing Spider-man. Join us next week for coverage of our in-store signing with comic artist Neil Vokes and writer Bob Tinnell about their new graphic novel series Flesh and Blood alongside Actor/Publisher Mark Redfield promoting Monsterpalooza magazine.
Posted by Dennis