CC New Comics Wednesday - 9/11/24

Amory Wars Good Apollo I'm Burning Star IV Volume 2 No World For Tomorrow #5 (Of 12)(Cover A Gianluca Gugliotta), $4.99
Garfield #2 (Of 4)(Cover A JJ Harrison & Venture), $4.99
Garfield #2 (Of 4)(Cover B Jay Stephens), $4.99
Profane #4 (Of 5)(Cover A Javier Rodriguez), $4.99
Profane #4 (Of 5)(Cover B Sean Phillips & Pip Martin), $4.99
Red Before Black #2 (Of 6)(Cover A Goran Suduka), $4.99
Comic Shop News #1934, AR
DEN Volume 3 Children Of Fire HC, $34.99
EC Archives Tales From The Crypt Volume 4 TP, $19.99
Groo Minstrel Melodies #1 (Of 4)(Cover A Sergio Aragones), $4.99
Into The Unbeing Part One #4 (Of 4)(Cover A Hayden Sherman), $3.99
Into The Unbeing Part One #4 (Of 4)(Cover B Luke Baker), $3.99
Masters Of The Universe Revolution #4 (Of 4)(Cover A Dave Wilkins), $3.99
Masters Of The Universe Revolution #4 (Of 4)(Cover B Tim Seeley), $3.99
Midst The Valorous Farmer #1 (Cover A Will Kirkby), $7.99
Oddly Pedestrian Life Of Christopher Chaos #12 (Cover A Nick Robles), $4.99
Oddly Pedestrian Life Of Christopher Chaos #12 (Cover B Flavia Biondi), $4.99
Oddly Pedestrian Life Of Christopher Chaos #12 (Cover C Sebastian Fiumara), AR
Prodigy Slaves Of Mars #2 (Of 5)(Cover A Stefano Landini), $4.99
Prodigy Slaves Of Mars #2 (Of 5)(Cover B Stefano Landini Black & White Variant), $4.99
Summer Shadows #1 (Of 4)(Cover A Ricardo Cabral), $5.99
Trigun Deluxe Edition HC (Volumes 1-2), $49.99
Usagi Yojimbo Volume 39 Ice And Snow HC (Limited Edition), $59.99
Usagi Yojimbo Volume 39 Ice And Snow TP, $24.99
Witcher Corvo Bianco #4 (Of 5)(Cover A Corrado Mastantuono), $3.99
Witcher Corvo Bianco #4 (Of 5)(Cover B Tonci Zonjic), $3.99
Witcher Corvo Bianco #4 (Of 5)(Cover C Neyef), $3.99
Witcher Corvo Bianco #4 (Of 5)(Cover D Jorge Molina), $3.99
Absolute Power Task Force VII #6 (Of 7)(Cover A Pete Woods), $3.99
Absolute Power Task Force VII #6 (Of 7)(Cover B Lesley Leirix Li Card Stock Variant), $4.99
Absolute Power Task Force VII #6 (Of 7)(Cover C Khary Randolph Card Stock Variant), $4.99
Absolute Power Task Force VII #6 (Of 7)(Cover D Stephen Platt Card Stock Variant), $4.99
Absolute Power Task Force VII #6 (Of 7)(Cover E John Timms Connecting Card Stock Variant), $4.99
Absolute Power Task Force VII #6 (Of 7)(Cover F Dan Mora Foil Variant), $6.99
All-Star Batman By Scott Snyder The Deluxe Edition HC, $49.99
Batman '66 Omnibus HC (2024 Edition), $125.00
Batman '89 Echoes #4 (Of 6)(Cover A Joe Quinones), $3.99
Batman '89 Echoes #4 (Of 6)(Cover B Sebastian Fiumara Card Stock Variant), $4.99
Batman '89 Echoes #4 (Of 6)(Cover C Jahnoy Lindsay Card Stock Variant), $4.99
Batman And Robin #13 (Cover A Simone Di Meo), $4.99
Batman And Robin #13 (Cover B Juan Ferreyra Card Stock Variant), $5.99
Batman And Robin #13 (Cover C Travis Mercer Card Stock Variant), $5.99
Batman And Robin #13 (Cover D Chris Samnee Batman 85th Anniversary Card Stock Variant), $5.99
Batman And Robin #13 (Cover E Christian Ward Card Stock Variant), AR
Batman Dylan Dog TP, $19.99
Batman Gotham By Gaslight The Kryptonian Age #4 (Of 12)(Cover A Leandro Fernandez), $4.99
Batman Gotham By Gaslight The Kryptonian Age #4 (Of 12)(Cover B Francesco Francavilla Card Stock Variant), $5.99
Batman Gotham By Gaslight The Kryptonian Age #4 (Of 12)(Cover C Felipe Massafera Card Stock Variant), $5.99
Batman Superman World's Finest Volume 4 Return To Kingdom Come HC, $24.99
Batman Superman World's Finest Volume 4 Return To Kingdom Come TP, $17.99
Batman Volume 3 The Joker Year One HC (2022), $29.99
Batman Volume 3 The Joker Year One TP (2022), $19.99
Brave And The Bold Volume 1 Lords Of Luck TP (2024 Edition), $17.99
DC Vs. Vampires World War V #2 (Of 6)(Cover A Otto Schmidt), $4.99
DC Vs. Vampires World War V #2 (Of 6)(Cover B Caspar Wijngaard Card Stock Variant), $5.99
DC Vs. Vampires World War V #2 (Of 6)(Cover C Lucio Parrillo Card Stock Variant), $5.99
DC Vs. Vampires World War V #2 (Of 6)(Cover D Daniele Di Nicuolo Card Stock Variant), AR
From The DC Vault Death In The Family Robin Lives #3 (Of 4)(Cover A Rick Leonardi), $4.99
From The DC Vault Death In The Family Robin Lives #3 (Of 4)(Cover B InHyuk Lee Card Stock Variant), $5.99
Green Lantern #15 (Cover A Ariel Colon)(Absolute Power), $4.99
Green Lantern #15 (Cover B Chris Samnee Card Stock Variant)(Absolute Power), $5.99
Green Lantern #15 (Cover C Simone Di Meo Card Stock Variant)(Absolute Power), $5.99
Green Lantern #15 (Cover D Nicola Scott Artist Spotlight Card Stock Variant)(Absolute Power), $5.99
Green Lantern #15 (Cover E Jose Luis Garcia-Lopez & Joe Prado Hispanic Heritage Month Card Stock Variant)(Absolute Power), $5.99
Green Lantern #15 (Cover F Crystal Kung Card Stock Variant)(Absolute Power), AR
Joker By James Tynion IV Compendium TP, $59.99
Looney Tunes #280 (Cover A Derek Fridolfs), $2.99
Nightwing Uncovered #1 (One Shot)(Cover A Dexter Soy), $5.99
Nightwing Uncovered #1 (One Shot)(Cover B Salvador Larroca), $5.99
Nightwing Uncovered #1 (One Shot)(Cover C Giuseppe Camuncoli), $5.99
Nightwing Uncovered #1 (One Shot)(Cover D Bruno Redondo Lenticular Variant), $9.99
Nightwing Uncovered #1 (One Shot)(Cover E Vasco Georgiev), AR
Nightwing Uncovered #1 (One Shot)(Cover F Dexter Soy), AR
Nightwing Volume 5 Time Of The Titans HC (2021) , $24.99
Nightwing Volume 5 Time Of The Titans TP (2021), $17.99
Primer Clashing Colors #3 (Of 3)(Cover A Gretel Lusky), $4.99
Shazam #15 (Cover A Gleb Melnikov), $3.99
Shazam #15 (Cover B Daniel Bayliss Card Stock Variant), $4.99
Shazam #15 (Cover C Gavin Guidry Card Stock Variant), $4.99
Shazam #15 (Cover D Jose Luis Garcia-Lopez & Joe Prado Hispanic Heritage Month Card Stock Variant), $4.99
Superman Action Comics Volume 2 To Hell And Back TP (2023), $19.99
Wesley Dodds The Sandman TP, $16.99
Devil's Cut HC, $30.00
Time Waits #1 (Cover A Marcus To Wraparound Variant), $8.99
Time Waits #1 (Cover B Sean Phillips Wraparound Variant), $8.99
Disney Villains Cruella De Vil #5 (Cover A Sweeney Boo), $3.99
Disney Villains Cruella De Vil #5 (Cover B Scott Forbes), $3.99
Jonny Quest #2 (Cover A Chad Hardin), $4.99
Jonny Quest #2 (Cover B Jae Lee), $4.99
Jonny Quest #2 (Cover C Tom Raney), $4.99
Jonny Quest #2 (Cover D Richard Pace), $4.99
Red Sonja Death And The Devil #1 (Cover A Joseph Michael Linsner), $4.99
Red Sonja Death And The Devil #1 (Cover B Celina), $4.99
Red Sonja Death And The Devil #1 (Cover C Moritat), $4.99
Space Ghost #5 (Cover A Francesco Mattina), $4.99
Space Ghost #5 (Cover B Jae Lee & June Chung), $4.99
Space Ghost #5 (Cover C Bjorn Barends), $4.99
Space Ghost #5 (Cover D Michael Cho), $4.99
Space Ghost #5 (Cover G Bjorn Barends Virgin Variant), AR
Godzilla Here There Be Dragons II Sons Of Giants #3 (Cover A Inaki Miranda), $4.99
Godzilla Here There Be Dragons II Sons Of Giants #3 (Cover B Gavin Smith), $4.99
Godzilla Here There Be Dragons II Sons Of Giants #3 (Cover C Gavin Smith Black & White Virgin Variant), AR
Godzilla Vs. The Mighty Morphin Power Rangers II #5 (Cover A Baldemar Rivas), $3.99
Godzilla Vs. The Mighty Morphin Power Rangers II #5 (Cover B Alex Sanchez), $3.99
Godzilla Vs. The Mighty Morphin Power Rangers II #5 (Cover C James Stokoe), AR
My Little Pony Maretime Mysteries #4 (Cover A Abigail Starling), $3.99
My Little Pony Maretime Mysteries #4 (Cover B Shauna Grant), $3.99
Star Trek Volume 1 Godshock TP, $19.99
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #2 (2024)(Cover A Rafael Albuquerque), $4.99
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #2 (2024)(Cover B Geoff Shaw), $4.99
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #2 (2024)(Cover C Kevin Eastman), $4.99
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #2 (2024)(Cover D J. Gonzo), $4.99
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #2 (2024)(Cover E Rafael Albuquerque), $4.99
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #2 (2024)(Cover F Danny Earls), AR
Ain't No Grave #5 (Of 5)(Cover A Jorge Corona), $3.99
Ain't No Grave #5 (Of 5)(Cover B Skottie Young), AR
Dead Eyes The Empty Frames #1 (Of 5)(Cover A John McCrea), $3.99
Dead Eyes The Empty Frames #1 (Of 5)(Cover B Dave Johnson), $3.99
Dead Eyes The Empty Frames #1 (Of 5)(Cover C Scott Koblish), $3.99
Department Of Truth #25 (Cover A Martin Simmonds), $4.99
Department Of Truth #25 (Cover B Blank Variant), $4.99
Department Of Truth #25 (Cover C Martin Simmonds), $4.99
Department Of Truth #25 (Cover D W. Scott Forbes), $4.99
Department Of Truth #25 (Cover E Puppeteer Lee), $4.99
Domain #3 (Of 5)(Cover A Rachael Stott), $3.99
Domain #3 (Of 5)(Cover B Eren Angiolini), $4.99
Geiger #6 (Cover A Gary Frank & Brad Anderson), $3.99
Geiger #6 (Cover B Francis Manapul), $3.99
Geiger #6 (Cover C German Peralta), $3.99
Invincible Volume 5 TP (New Edition)(per Diamond Distribution), $14.99
King Spawn Volume 5 TP, $16.99
Misery #4 (Of 4)(Cover A Don Aguillo), $2.99
Misery #4 (Of 4)(Cover B Blank Variant), $2.99
Precious Metal #4 (Of 6)(Cover A Ian Bertram), $5.99
Precious Metal #4 (Of 6)(Cover B James Harren), AR
Scorched #33 (Cover A Don Aguillo), $2.99
Scorched #33 (Cover B Von Randal), $2.99
Sea Serpent's Heir Volume 3 Queen Of Mercy GN (per Diamond Distribution), $14.99
Superstar As Seen On T.V. TP (New Edition), $9.99
Transformers #12 (Cover A Daniel Warren Johnson & Mike Spicer), $3.99
Transformers #12 (Cover B Jorge Corona & Mike Spicer), $3.99
Transformers #12 (Cover C Karen S. Darboe Connecting Variant), AR
Transformers #12 (Cover D Chris Stevens), AR
Transformers #12 (Cover E Cory Walker), AR
Amazing Spider-Man #57 (Cover A John Romita Jr.), $4.99
Amazing Spider-Man #57 (Cover B Claudio Sciarrone Disney What If Variant), AR
Amazing Spider-Man #57 (Cover C Claudio Sciarrone Disney What If Black & White Variant), AR
Amazing Spider-Man #57 (Cover D Chris Campana), AR
Amazing Spider-Man #57 (Cover E Roge Antonio), AR
Amazing Spider-Man #57 (Cover F Ryan Meinerding Marvel Studios Variant), AR
Avengers Assemble #1 (Of 5)(Cover A Lesley Leirix Li), $4.99
Avengers Assemble #1 (Of 5)(Cover B Cory Smith Avengers Jacket Variant), AR
Avengers Assemble #1 (Of 5)(Cover C Emilio Laiso), AR
Avengers Assemble #1 (Of 5)(Cover D Betsy Cola), AR
Avengers Assemble #1 (Of 5)(Cover E Ryan Meinerding Marvel Studios Wraparound Variant), AR
Avengers Assemble #1 (Of 5)(Cover F Anand Ramcheron Disco Dazzler Variant, AR
Avengers By Kurt Busiek And George Perez Omnibus Volume 2 HC (Alan Davis Direct Market Cover)(New Printing), $125.00
Avengers By Kurt Busiek And George Perez Omnibus Volume 2 HC (George Perez Book Market Cover )(New Printing), $125.00
Avengers By Kurt Busiek And George Perez Omnibus Volume 2 HC (George Perez Time-Lost Direct Market Cover)(New Printing), $125.00
Blood Hunters #2 (Of 5)(Cover A Ema Lupacchino), $3.99
Blood Hunters #2 (Of 5)(Cover B Junggeun Yoon), AR
Blood Hunters #2 (Of 5)(Cover C Geoff Shaw), AR
Captain America #13 (Cover A Taurin Clarke), $4.99
Captain America #13 (Cover B David Yardin), AR
Captain America #13 (Cover C Phil Noto Godzilla Variant), AR
Daredevil By Saladin Ahmed Volume 2 Hell To Pay TP, $24.99
Daredevil Gang War TP, $15.99
Fantastic Four #25 (Cover A Joshua Cassara), $4.99
Fantastic Four #25 (Cover B Greg Capullo), AR
Fantastic Four #25 (Cover C Greg Capullo Virgin Variant), AR
Fantastic Four #25 (Cover D Giuseppi Cammoncoli Spoiler Variant), AR
Fantastic Four #25 (Cover E Sean Cheeks Galloway Saturday Morning Connecting Variant), AR
Fantastic Four #25 (Cover F Greg Land Godzilla Variant), AR
Marvel Masterworks Uncanny X-Men Volume 1 HC (Dave Cockrum Book Direct Cover)(ReMasterworks), $75.00
Marvel Masterworks Uncanny X-Men Volume 1 HC (Dave Cockrum Book Market Cover)(ReMasterworks), $75.00
Spider-Boy Volume 2 Fun And Games TP, $17.99
Spider-Gwen The Ghost-Spider #5 (Cover A Mark Brooks), $3.99
Spider-Gwen The Ghost-Spider #5 (Cover B InHyuk Lee Godzilla Variant), AR
Spider-Gwen The Ghost-Spider #5 (Cover C Rian Gonzales), AR
Spider-Man Reign 2 #3 (Of 5)(Cover A Kaare Andrews), $4.99
Spider-Man Reign 2 #3 (Of 5)(Cover B Kaare Andrews Virgin Variant), AR
Spider-Man Reign 2 #3 (Of 5)(Cover C Phil Noto), AR
Star Wars #50 (Cover A Leinil Francis Yu), $7.99
Star Wars #50 (Cover B Chris Sprouse The Phantom Menace 25th Anniversary Variant), AR
Star Wars #50 (Cover C John Tyler Christopher Action Figure Variant), AR
Star Wars #50 (Cover D Stephen Segovia), AR
Star Wars #50 (Cover E David Lopez), AR
Star Wars #50 (Cover F Giuseppe Camuncoli Connecting Variant), AR
Star Wars #50 (Cover G Leinil Francis Yu Virgin Variant), AR
Star Wars Darth Vader By Greg Pak Volume 9 Rise Of The Schism Imperial TP, $19.99
Star Wars Inquisitors #3 (Of 4)(Cover A Nick Bradshaw), $4.99
Star Wars Inquisitors #3 (Of 4)(Cover B Chris Sprouse The Phantom Menace 25th Anniversary Variant), AR
Star Wars Inquisitors #3 (Of 4)(Cover C Carlo Pagulayan), AR
Star Wars Legends Epic Collection The Rebellion Volume 6 TP, $44.99
Ultimate Black Panther #8 (Cover A Stefano Caselli), $4.99
Ultimate Black Panther #8 (Cover B Russell Dauterman), AR
Ultimate Black Panther #8 (Cover C Wes Craig Connecting Variant), AR
Ultimate Black Panther #8 (Cover D Wes Craig Connecting Virgin Variant), AR
Ultimate Black Panther #8 (Cover E Giuseppe Camuncoli), AR
Ultimate Spider-Man By Jonathan Hickman Volume 1 Married With Children TP, $19.99
Uncanny X-Men #1 (2nd Printing Cover A Ryan Stegman), $4.99
Uncanny X-Men #1 (2nd Printing Cover B David Marquez), AR
Uncanny X-Men #2 (Cover A David Marquez), $4.99
Uncanny X-Men #2 (Cover B Luciano Vecchio Gambit Variant), AR
Uncanny X-Men #2 (Cover C Luciano Vecchio Gambit Virgin Variant), AR
Uncanny X-Men #2 (Cover D David Baldeon Godzilla Variant), AR
Uncanny X-Men #2 (Cover E Miguel Mercado), AR
Vengeance Of The Moon Knight #9 (Cover A Davide Paratore), $4.99
Vengeance Of The Moon Knight #9 (Cover B Taurin Clarke Godzilla Variant), AR
Venom #37 (Cover A CAFU), $3.99
Venom #37 (Cover B Dave Wachter Godzilla Variant), AR
Venom #37 (Cover C Lucas Werneck Stormbreakers Variant), AR
Venom Separation Anxiety #5 (Of 5)(Cover A Paulo Siqueira), $3.99
Venom Separation Anxiety #5 (Of 5)(Cover B Paulo Siqueira Homage Variant), AR
Venom War Carnage #2 (Of 3)(Cover A Ken Lashley), $3.99
Venom War Carnage #2 (Of 3)(Cover B Joey Vazquez), AR
Venom War Wolverine #1 (Of 3)(Cover A Ken Lashley), $3.99
Venom War Wolverine #1 (Of 3)(Cover B Joshua Cassara), AR
Venomverse Reborn #4 (Of 4)(Cover A Tony S. Daniel), $4.99
Venomverse Reborn #4 (Of 4)(Cover B Derrick Chew Symbiote Variant), AR
Venomverse Reborn #4 (Of 4)(Cover C Derrick Chew Symbiote Virgin Variant), AR
Venomverse Reborn #4 (Of 4)(Cover D Leinil Francis Yu Connecting Variant), AR
Venomverse Reborn #4 (Of 4)(Cover E Ken Lashley), AR
Wolverine #1 (Cover A Martin Coccolo), $4.99
Wolverine #1 (Cover B Clayton Crain), AR
Wolverine #1 (Cover C Felipe Massafera), AR
Wolverine #1 (Cover D John Romita Jr.), AR
Wolverine #1 (Cover E John Tyler Christopher Negative Space Virgin Variant), AR
Wolverine #1 (Cover F Kaare Andrews), AR
Wolverine #1 (Cover G Mike Zeck Hidden Gem Variant), AR
Wolverine #1 (Cover H Pat Gleason Adamantium Head Foil Variant), AR
Wolverine #1 (Cover I Pat Gleason Adamantium Head Virgin Variant), AR
Wolverine #1 (Cover J Peach Momoko), AR
Wolverine #1 (Cover K Sean Galloway Saturday Morning Variant), AR
Wolverine #1 (Cover L Logo Variant), AR
X-Force #1 (2nd Printing Cover A Tony S. Daniel), $4.99
X-Force #1 (2nd Printing Cover B David Nakayama Virgin Variant), AR
X-Men Mutant Massacre Prelude Omnibus HC (Bob Layton Direct Market Cover), $150.00
X-Men Mutant Massacre Prelude Omnibus HC (John Romita Jr. Book Market Cover), $150.00
Scott Pilgrim's Precious Little Life Coloring Book SC, $16.99
Darques Soulside #2 (Of 2)(Cover A Salvador Sanz), $4.99
Darques Soulside #2 (Of 2)(Cover B Rocio Zucchi Swimsuit Variant), $4.99
Eternal Warriors The Last Ride Of The Immortals #2 (Of 2)(Cover A Nobi), $4.99
Eternal Warriors The Last Ride Of The Immortals #2 (Of 2)(Cover B Nobi Swimsuit Variant), $4.99
Ninjak Vs. Roku #4 (Of 4)(Cover A Richard Ortiz), $4.99
Ninjak Vs. Roku #4 (Of 4)(Cover B Nobi), $4.99
Deathstalker The Complete Series TP, $24.99
Animal Crossing New Horizons Volume 7 GN, $11.99
Wonderland Return To Madness #3 (Of 3)(Cover A Igor Vitorino), $3.99
Amory Wars Good Apollo I'm Burning Star IV Volume 2 No World For Tomorrow #5 (Of 12)(Cover A Gianluca Gugliotta), $4.99
Garfield #2 (Of 4)(Cover A JJ Harrison & Venture), $4.99
Garfield #2 (Of 4)(Cover B Jay Stephens), $4.99
Profane #4 (Of 5)(Cover A Javier Rodriguez), $4.99
Profane #4 (Of 5)(Cover B Sean Phillips & Pip Martin), $4.99
Red Before Black #2 (Of 6)(Cover A Goran Suduka), $4.99
Comic Shop News #1934, AR
DEN Volume 3 Children Of Fire HC, $34.99
EC Archives Tales From The Crypt Volume 4 TP, $19.99
Groo Minstrel Melodies #1 (Of 4)(Cover A Sergio Aragones), $4.99
Into The Unbeing Part One #4 (Of 4)(Cover A Hayden Sherman), $3.99
Into The Unbeing Part One #4 (Of 4)(Cover B Luke Baker), $3.99
Masters Of The Universe Revolution #4 (Of 4)(Cover A Dave Wilkins), $3.99
Masters Of The Universe Revolution #4 (Of 4)(Cover B Tim Seeley), $3.99
Midst The Valorous Farmer #1 (Cover A Will Kirkby), $7.99
Oddly Pedestrian Life Of Christopher Chaos #12 (Cover A Nick Robles), $4.99
Oddly Pedestrian Life Of Christopher Chaos #12 (Cover B Flavia Biondi), $4.99
Oddly Pedestrian Life Of Christopher Chaos #12 (Cover C Sebastian Fiumara), AR
Prodigy Slaves Of Mars #2 (Of 5)(Cover A Stefano Landini), $4.99
Prodigy Slaves Of Mars #2 (Of 5)(Cover B Stefano Landini Black & White Variant), $4.99
Summer Shadows #1 (Of 4)(Cover A Ricardo Cabral), $5.99
Trigun Deluxe Edition HC (Volumes 1-2), $49.99
Usagi Yojimbo Volume 39 Ice And Snow HC (Limited Edition), $59.99
Usagi Yojimbo Volume 39 Ice And Snow TP, $24.99
Witcher Corvo Bianco #4 (Of 5)(Cover A Corrado Mastantuono), $3.99
Witcher Corvo Bianco #4 (Of 5)(Cover B Tonci Zonjic), $3.99
Witcher Corvo Bianco #4 (Of 5)(Cover C Neyef), $3.99
Witcher Corvo Bianco #4 (Of 5)(Cover D Jorge Molina), $3.99
Absolute Power Task Force VII #6 (Of 7)(Cover A Pete Woods), $3.99
Absolute Power Task Force VII #6 (Of 7)(Cover B Lesley Leirix Li Card Stock Variant), $4.99
Absolute Power Task Force VII #6 (Of 7)(Cover C Khary Randolph Card Stock Variant), $4.99
Absolute Power Task Force VII #6 (Of 7)(Cover D Stephen Platt Card Stock Variant), $4.99
Absolute Power Task Force VII #6 (Of 7)(Cover E John Timms Connecting Card Stock Variant), $4.99
Absolute Power Task Force VII #6 (Of 7)(Cover F Dan Mora Foil Variant), $6.99
All-Star Batman By Scott Snyder The Deluxe Edition HC, $49.99
Batman '66 Omnibus HC (2024 Edition), $125.00
Batman '89 Echoes #4 (Of 6)(Cover A Joe Quinones), $3.99
Batman '89 Echoes #4 (Of 6)(Cover B Sebastian Fiumara Card Stock Variant), $4.99
Batman '89 Echoes #4 (Of 6)(Cover C Jahnoy Lindsay Card Stock Variant), $4.99
Batman And Robin #13 (Cover A Simone Di Meo), $4.99
Batman And Robin #13 (Cover B Juan Ferreyra Card Stock Variant), $5.99
Batman And Robin #13 (Cover C Travis Mercer Card Stock Variant), $5.99
Batman And Robin #13 (Cover D Chris Samnee Batman 85th Anniversary Card Stock Variant), $5.99
Batman And Robin #13 (Cover E Christian Ward Card Stock Variant), AR
Batman Dylan Dog TP, $19.99
Batman Gotham By Gaslight The Kryptonian Age #4 (Of 12)(Cover A Leandro Fernandez), $4.99
Batman Gotham By Gaslight The Kryptonian Age #4 (Of 12)(Cover B Francesco Francavilla Card Stock Variant), $5.99
Batman Gotham By Gaslight The Kryptonian Age #4 (Of 12)(Cover C Felipe Massafera Card Stock Variant), $5.99
Batman Superman World's Finest Volume 4 Return To Kingdom Come HC, $24.99
Batman Superman World's Finest Volume 4 Return To Kingdom Come TP, $17.99
Batman Volume 3 The Joker Year One HC (2022), $29.99
Batman Volume 3 The Joker Year One TP (2022), $19.99
Brave And The Bold Volume 1 Lords Of Luck TP (2024 Edition), $17.99
DC Vs. Vampires World War V #2 (Of 6)(Cover A Otto Schmidt), $4.99
DC Vs. Vampires World War V #2 (Of 6)(Cover B Caspar Wijngaard Card Stock Variant), $5.99
DC Vs. Vampires World War V #2 (Of 6)(Cover C Lucio Parrillo Card Stock Variant), $5.99
DC Vs. Vampires World War V #2 (Of 6)(Cover D Daniele Di Nicuolo Card Stock Variant), AR
From The DC Vault Death In The Family Robin Lives #3 (Of 4)(Cover A Rick Leonardi), $4.99
From The DC Vault Death In The Family Robin Lives #3 (Of 4)(Cover B InHyuk Lee Card Stock Variant), $5.99
Green Lantern #15 (Cover A Ariel Colon)(Absolute Power), $4.99
Green Lantern #15 (Cover B Chris Samnee Card Stock Variant)(Absolute Power), $5.99
Green Lantern #15 (Cover C Simone Di Meo Card Stock Variant)(Absolute Power), $5.99
Green Lantern #15 (Cover D Nicola Scott Artist Spotlight Card Stock Variant)(Absolute Power), $5.99
Green Lantern #15 (Cover E Jose Luis Garcia-Lopez & Joe Prado Hispanic Heritage Month Card Stock Variant)(Absolute Power), $5.99
Green Lantern #15 (Cover F Crystal Kung Card Stock Variant)(Absolute Power), AR
Joker By James Tynion IV Compendium TP, $59.99
Looney Tunes #280 (Cover A Derek Fridolfs), $2.99
Nightwing Uncovered #1 (One Shot)(Cover A Dexter Soy), $5.99
Nightwing Uncovered #1 (One Shot)(Cover B Salvador Larroca), $5.99
Nightwing Uncovered #1 (One Shot)(Cover C Giuseppe Camuncoli), $5.99
Nightwing Uncovered #1 (One Shot)(Cover D Bruno Redondo Lenticular Variant), $9.99
Nightwing Uncovered #1 (One Shot)(Cover E Vasco Georgiev), AR
Nightwing Uncovered #1 (One Shot)(Cover F Dexter Soy), AR
Nightwing Volume 5 Time Of The Titans HC (2021) , $24.99
Nightwing Volume 5 Time Of The Titans TP (2021), $17.99
Primer Clashing Colors #3 (Of 3)(Cover A Gretel Lusky), $4.99
Shazam #15 (Cover A Gleb Melnikov), $3.99
Shazam #15 (Cover B Daniel Bayliss Card Stock Variant), $4.99
Shazam #15 (Cover C Gavin Guidry Card Stock Variant), $4.99
Shazam #15 (Cover D Jose Luis Garcia-Lopez & Joe Prado Hispanic Heritage Month Card Stock Variant), $4.99
Superman Action Comics Volume 2 To Hell And Back TP (2023), $19.99
Wesley Dodds The Sandman TP, $16.99
Devil's Cut HC, $30.00
Time Waits #1 (Cover A Marcus To Wraparound Variant), $8.99
Time Waits #1 (Cover B Sean Phillips Wraparound Variant), $8.99
Disney Villains Cruella De Vil #5 (Cover A Sweeney Boo), $3.99
Disney Villains Cruella De Vil #5 (Cover B Scott Forbes), $3.99
Jonny Quest #2 (Cover A Chad Hardin), $4.99
Jonny Quest #2 (Cover B Jae Lee), $4.99
Jonny Quest #2 (Cover C Tom Raney), $4.99
Jonny Quest #2 (Cover D Richard Pace), $4.99
Red Sonja Death And The Devil #1 (Cover A Joseph Michael Linsner), $4.99
Red Sonja Death And The Devil #1 (Cover B Celina), $4.99
Red Sonja Death And The Devil #1 (Cover C Moritat), $4.99
Space Ghost #5 (Cover A Francesco Mattina), $4.99
Space Ghost #5 (Cover B Jae Lee & June Chung), $4.99
Space Ghost #5 (Cover C Bjorn Barends), $4.99
Space Ghost #5 (Cover D Michael Cho), $4.99
Space Ghost #5 (Cover G Bjorn Barends Virgin Variant), AR
Godzilla Here There Be Dragons II Sons Of Giants #3 (Cover A Inaki Miranda), $4.99
Godzilla Here There Be Dragons II Sons Of Giants #3 (Cover B Gavin Smith), $4.99
Godzilla Here There Be Dragons II Sons Of Giants #3 (Cover C Gavin Smith Black & White Virgin Variant), AR
Godzilla Vs. The Mighty Morphin Power Rangers II #5 (Cover A Baldemar Rivas), $3.99
Godzilla Vs. The Mighty Morphin Power Rangers II #5 (Cover B Alex Sanchez), $3.99
Godzilla Vs. The Mighty Morphin Power Rangers II #5 (Cover C James Stokoe), AR
My Little Pony Maretime Mysteries #4 (Cover A Abigail Starling), $3.99
My Little Pony Maretime Mysteries #4 (Cover B Shauna Grant), $3.99
Star Trek Volume 1 Godshock TP, $19.99
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #2 (2024)(Cover A Rafael Albuquerque), $4.99
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #2 (2024)(Cover B Geoff Shaw), $4.99
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #2 (2024)(Cover C Kevin Eastman), $4.99
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #2 (2024)(Cover D J. Gonzo), $4.99
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #2 (2024)(Cover E Rafael Albuquerque), $4.99
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #2 (2024)(Cover F Danny Earls), AR
Ain't No Grave #5 (Of 5)(Cover A Jorge Corona), $3.99
Ain't No Grave #5 (Of 5)(Cover B Skottie Young), AR
Dead Eyes The Empty Frames #1 (Of 5)(Cover A John McCrea), $3.99
Dead Eyes The Empty Frames #1 (Of 5)(Cover B Dave Johnson), $3.99
Dead Eyes The Empty Frames #1 (Of 5)(Cover C Scott Koblish), $3.99
Department Of Truth #25 (Cover A Martin Simmonds), $4.99
Department Of Truth #25 (Cover B Blank Variant), $4.99
Department Of Truth #25 (Cover C Martin Simmonds), $4.99
Department Of Truth #25 (Cover D W. Scott Forbes), $4.99
Department Of Truth #25 (Cover E Puppeteer Lee), $4.99
Domain #3 (Of 5)(Cover A Rachael Stott), $3.99
Domain #3 (Of 5)(Cover B Eren Angiolini), $4.99
Geiger #6 (Cover A Gary Frank & Brad Anderson), $3.99
Geiger #6 (Cover B Francis Manapul), $3.99
Geiger #6 (Cover C German Peralta), $3.99
Invincible Volume 5 TP (New Edition)(per Diamond Distribution), $14.99
King Spawn Volume 5 TP, $16.99
Misery #4 (Of 4)(Cover A Don Aguillo), $2.99
Misery #4 (Of 4)(Cover B Blank Variant), $2.99
Precious Metal #4 (Of 6)(Cover A Ian Bertram), $5.99
Precious Metal #4 (Of 6)(Cover B James Harren), AR
Scorched #33 (Cover A Don Aguillo), $2.99
Scorched #33 (Cover B Von Randal), $2.99
Sea Serpent's Heir Volume 3 Queen Of Mercy GN (per Diamond Distribution), $14.99
Superstar As Seen On T.V. TP (New Edition), $9.99
Transformers #12 (Cover A Daniel Warren Johnson & Mike Spicer), $3.99
Transformers #12 (Cover B Jorge Corona & Mike Spicer), $3.99
Transformers #12 (Cover C Karen S. Darboe Connecting Variant), AR
Transformers #12 (Cover D Chris Stevens), AR
Transformers #12 (Cover E Cory Walker), AR
Amazing Spider-Man #57 (Cover A John Romita Jr.), $4.99
Amazing Spider-Man #57 (Cover B Claudio Sciarrone Disney What If Variant), AR
Amazing Spider-Man #57 (Cover C Claudio Sciarrone Disney What If Black & White Variant), AR
Amazing Spider-Man #57 (Cover D Chris Campana), AR
Amazing Spider-Man #57 (Cover E Roge Antonio), AR
Amazing Spider-Man #57 (Cover F Ryan Meinerding Marvel Studios Variant), AR
Avengers Assemble #1 (Of 5)(Cover A Lesley Leirix Li), $4.99
Avengers Assemble #1 (Of 5)(Cover B Cory Smith Avengers Jacket Variant), AR
Avengers Assemble #1 (Of 5)(Cover C Emilio Laiso), AR
Avengers Assemble #1 (Of 5)(Cover D Betsy Cola), AR
Avengers Assemble #1 (Of 5)(Cover E Ryan Meinerding Marvel Studios Wraparound Variant), AR
Avengers Assemble #1 (Of 5)(Cover F Anand Ramcheron Disco Dazzler Variant, AR
Avengers By Kurt Busiek And George Perez Omnibus Volume 2 HC (Alan Davis Direct Market Cover)(New Printing), $125.00
Avengers By Kurt Busiek And George Perez Omnibus Volume 2 HC (George Perez Book Market Cover )(New Printing), $125.00
Avengers By Kurt Busiek And George Perez Omnibus Volume 2 HC (George Perez Time-Lost Direct Market Cover)(New Printing), $125.00
Blood Hunters #2 (Of 5)(Cover A Ema Lupacchino), $3.99
Blood Hunters #2 (Of 5)(Cover B Junggeun Yoon), AR
Blood Hunters #2 (Of 5)(Cover C Geoff Shaw), AR
Captain America #13 (Cover A Taurin Clarke), $4.99
Captain America #13 (Cover B David Yardin), AR
Captain America #13 (Cover C Phil Noto Godzilla Variant), AR
Daredevil By Saladin Ahmed Volume 2 Hell To Pay TP, $24.99
Daredevil Gang War TP, $15.99
Fantastic Four #25 (Cover A Joshua Cassara), $4.99
Fantastic Four #25 (Cover B Greg Capullo), AR
Fantastic Four #25 (Cover C Greg Capullo Virgin Variant), AR
Fantastic Four #25 (Cover D Giuseppi Cammoncoli Spoiler Variant), AR
Fantastic Four #25 (Cover E Sean Cheeks Galloway Saturday Morning Connecting Variant), AR
Fantastic Four #25 (Cover F Greg Land Godzilla Variant), AR
Marvel Masterworks Uncanny X-Men Volume 1 HC (Dave Cockrum Book Direct Cover)(ReMasterworks), $75.00
Marvel Masterworks Uncanny X-Men Volume 1 HC (Dave Cockrum Book Market Cover)(ReMasterworks), $75.00
Spider-Boy Volume 2 Fun And Games TP, $17.99
Spider-Gwen The Ghost-Spider #5 (Cover A Mark Brooks), $3.99
Spider-Gwen The Ghost-Spider #5 (Cover B InHyuk Lee Godzilla Variant), AR
Spider-Gwen The Ghost-Spider #5 (Cover C Rian Gonzales), AR
Spider-Man Reign 2 #3 (Of 5)(Cover A Kaare Andrews), $4.99
Spider-Man Reign 2 #3 (Of 5)(Cover B Kaare Andrews Virgin Variant), AR
Spider-Man Reign 2 #3 (Of 5)(Cover C Phil Noto), AR
Star Wars #50 (Cover A Leinil Francis Yu), $7.99
Star Wars #50 (Cover B Chris Sprouse The Phantom Menace 25th Anniversary Variant), AR
Star Wars #50 (Cover C John Tyler Christopher Action Figure Variant), AR
Star Wars #50 (Cover D Stephen Segovia), AR
Star Wars #50 (Cover E David Lopez), AR
Star Wars #50 (Cover F Giuseppe Camuncoli Connecting Variant), AR
Star Wars #50 (Cover G Leinil Francis Yu Virgin Variant), AR
Star Wars Darth Vader By Greg Pak Volume 9 Rise Of The Schism Imperial TP, $19.99
Star Wars Inquisitors #3 (Of 4)(Cover A Nick Bradshaw), $4.99
Star Wars Inquisitors #3 (Of 4)(Cover B Chris Sprouse The Phantom Menace 25th Anniversary Variant), AR
Star Wars Inquisitors #3 (Of 4)(Cover C Carlo Pagulayan), AR
Star Wars Legends Epic Collection The Rebellion Volume 6 TP, $44.99
Ultimate Black Panther #8 (Cover A Stefano Caselli), $4.99
Ultimate Black Panther #8 (Cover B Russell Dauterman), AR
Ultimate Black Panther #8 (Cover C Wes Craig Connecting Variant), AR
Ultimate Black Panther #8 (Cover D Wes Craig Connecting Virgin Variant), AR
Ultimate Black Panther #8 (Cover E Giuseppe Camuncoli), AR
Ultimate Spider-Man By Jonathan Hickman Volume 1 Married With Children TP, $19.99
Uncanny X-Men #1 (2nd Printing Cover A Ryan Stegman), $4.99
Uncanny X-Men #1 (2nd Printing Cover B David Marquez), AR
Uncanny X-Men #2 (Cover A David Marquez), $4.99
Uncanny X-Men #2 (Cover B Luciano Vecchio Gambit Variant), AR
Uncanny X-Men #2 (Cover C Luciano Vecchio Gambit Virgin Variant), AR
Uncanny X-Men #2 (Cover D David Baldeon Godzilla Variant), AR
Uncanny X-Men #2 (Cover E Miguel Mercado), AR
Vengeance Of The Moon Knight #9 (Cover A Davide Paratore), $4.99
Vengeance Of The Moon Knight #9 (Cover B Taurin Clarke Godzilla Variant), AR
Venom #37 (Cover A CAFU), $3.99
Venom #37 (Cover B Dave Wachter Godzilla Variant), AR
Venom #37 (Cover C Lucas Werneck Stormbreakers Variant), AR
Venom Separation Anxiety #5 (Of 5)(Cover A Paulo Siqueira), $3.99
Venom Separation Anxiety #5 (Of 5)(Cover B Paulo Siqueira Homage Variant), AR
Venom War Carnage #2 (Of 3)(Cover A Ken Lashley), $3.99
Venom War Carnage #2 (Of 3)(Cover B Joey Vazquez), AR
Venom War Wolverine #1 (Of 3)(Cover A Ken Lashley), $3.99
Venom War Wolverine #1 (Of 3)(Cover B Joshua Cassara), AR
Venomverse Reborn #4 (Of 4)(Cover A Tony S. Daniel), $4.99
Venomverse Reborn #4 (Of 4)(Cover B Derrick Chew Symbiote Variant), AR
Venomverse Reborn #4 (Of 4)(Cover C Derrick Chew Symbiote Virgin Variant), AR
Venomverse Reborn #4 (Of 4)(Cover D Leinil Francis Yu Connecting Variant), AR
Venomverse Reborn #4 (Of 4)(Cover E Ken Lashley), AR
Wolverine #1 (Cover A Martin Coccolo), $4.99
Wolverine #1 (Cover B Clayton Crain), AR
Wolverine #1 (Cover C Felipe Massafera), AR
Wolverine #1 (Cover D John Romita Jr.), AR
Wolverine #1 (Cover E John Tyler Christopher Negative Space Virgin Variant), AR
Wolverine #1 (Cover F Kaare Andrews), AR
Wolverine #1 (Cover G Mike Zeck Hidden Gem Variant), AR
Wolverine #1 (Cover H Pat Gleason Adamantium Head Foil Variant), AR
Wolverine #1 (Cover I Pat Gleason Adamantium Head Virgin Variant), AR
Wolverine #1 (Cover J Peach Momoko), AR
Wolverine #1 (Cover K Sean Galloway Saturday Morning Variant), AR
Wolverine #1 (Cover L Logo Variant), AR
X-Force #1 (2nd Printing Cover A Tony S. Daniel), $4.99
X-Force #1 (2nd Printing Cover B David Nakayama Virgin Variant), AR
X-Men Mutant Massacre Prelude Omnibus HC (Bob Layton Direct Market Cover), $150.00
X-Men Mutant Massacre Prelude Omnibus HC (John Romita Jr. Book Market Cover), $150.00
Scott Pilgrim's Precious Little Life Coloring Book SC, $16.99
Darques Soulside #2 (Of 2)(Cover A Salvador Sanz), $4.99
Darques Soulside #2 (Of 2)(Cover B Rocio Zucchi Swimsuit Variant), $4.99
Eternal Warriors The Last Ride Of The Immortals #2 (Of 2)(Cover A Nobi), $4.99
Eternal Warriors The Last Ride Of The Immortals #2 (Of 2)(Cover B Nobi Swimsuit Variant), $4.99
Ninjak Vs. Roku #4 (Of 4)(Cover A Richard Ortiz), $4.99
Ninjak Vs. Roku #4 (Of 4)(Cover B Nobi), $4.99
Deathstalker The Complete Series TP, $24.99
Animal Crossing New Horizons Volume 7 GN, $11.99
Wonderland Return To Madness #3 (Of 3)(Cover A Igor Vitorino), $3.99
Dungeons And Dragons Role-Playing Game Players Handbook HC, AR
Dragon Ball Flying Nimbus Sticker, AR
Dragon Ball Goku And Bulma On Motorcycle Sticker, AR
Dragon Ball Teenage Bulma Sticker, AR
Dragon Ball Z Frieza Fourth Form S.H.Figuarts Action Figure, AR
Dumpster Fire This Is Fine Vinyl Figure, AR
Funko POP Movies Beetlejuice 2 Bob Vinyl Figure, AR
Funko POP Movies Beetlejuice 2 Delores Vinyl Figure, AR
Funko POP NHL Blackhawks Connor Bedard Vinyl Figure, AR
Gundam IBO 01 Gundam Barbatos High Grade Model Kit, AR
Hatsune Miku GT Racing Miku 2022 Tropical 1/7 Scale PVC Figure, AR
Hatsune Miku Tenitol Yumekawa Princess PVC Figure, AR
Spooky Trash Kitties Series 1 Mystery Box Case Of 9, AR
WB Horror Series 8 3D Foam Bag Clip 24 Piece Blind Mystery Box Display, AR
Weirdest ReAction Figures Wave 6 Gor-Ior Infernal Curse Action Figure, AR
Weirdest ReAction Figures Wave 6 Mummy's Hand Infernal Curse Action Figure, AR
Weirdest ReAction Figures Wave 6 Trauma Bomb Infernal Curse Action Figure, AR
Dungeons And Dragons Role-Playing Game Players Handbook HC, AR
Dragon Ball Flying Nimbus Sticker, AR
Dragon Ball Goku And Bulma On Motorcycle Sticker, AR
Dragon Ball Teenage Bulma Sticker, AR
Dragon Ball Z Frieza Fourth Form S.H.Figuarts Action Figure, AR
Dumpster Fire This Is Fine Vinyl Figure, AR
Funko POP Movies Beetlejuice 2 Bob Vinyl Figure, AR
Funko POP Movies Beetlejuice 2 Delores Vinyl Figure, AR
Funko POP NHL Blackhawks Connor Bedard Vinyl Figure, AR
Gundam IBO 01 Gundam Barbatos High Grade Model Kit, AR
Hatsune Miku GT Racing Miku 2022 Tropical 1/7 Scale PVC Figure, AR
Hatsune Miku Tenitol Yumekawa Princess PVC Figure, AR
Spooky Trash Kitties Series 1 Mystery Box Case Of 9, AR
WB Horror Series 8 3D Foam Bag Clip 24 Piece Blind Mystery Box Display, AR
Weirdest ReAction Figures Wave 6 Gor-Ior Infernal Curse Action Figure, AR
Weirdest ReAction Figures Wave 6 Mummy's Hand Infernal Curse Action Figure, AR
Weirdest ReAction Figures Wave 6 Trauma Bomb Infernal Curse Action Figure, AR