CC New Comics Wednesday - 1/31/24

Night Of The Living Dead The Complete Collection HC, $49.99
Fearless Dawn The Bomb #3 (Of 4)(Cover A Steve Mannion), $4.99
Ribbon Queen #7 (Of 8)(Cover A Declan Shalvey), $3.99
Animal Pound #1 (Of 4)(2nd Printing Cover A Peter Gross), $4.99
Coda #5 (Of 5)(Cover A Matias Bergara), $4.99
Coda #5 (Of 5)(Cover B Nick Robles), $4.99
Coda #5 (Of 5)(Cover C Nick Robles Virgin Variant), AR
Coda #5 (Of 5)(Cover D Ian Bertram Virgin Variant), AR
Coda #5 (Of 5)(Cover E Matias Bergara Virgin Variant), AR
House Of Slaughter #20 (2nd Printing Cover A Werther Dell’Edera), $3.99
House Of Slaughter Pen And Ink #1 (Cover A Chris Shehan), $6.99
House Of Slaughter Pen And Ink #1 (Cover B Spot UV Variant), $6.99
House Of Slaughter Pen And Ink #1 (Cover C Blank Variant), $6.99
Orcs The Gift #2 (Of 4)(Cover A Christine Larsen), $5.99
Orcs The Gift #2 (Of 4)(Cover B Dani Pendergast), $5.99
Orcs The Gift #2 (Of 4)(Cover C Dani Pendergast Virgin Variant), AR
Pine And Merrimac #1 (Of 5)(2nd Printing Cover A Fran Galan), $4.99
Power Rangers Unlimited The Morphin Masters #1 (Cover A Toni Infante), $7.99
Power Rangers Unlimited The Morphin Masters #1 (Cover B Goni Montes Helmet Foil Virgin Variant), $9.99
Power Rangers Unlimited The Morphin Masters #1 (Cover C Toni Infante Virgin Variant), AR
Power Rangers Unlimited The Morphin Masters #1 (Cover D Miguel Mercado Virgin Variant), AR
Sirens Of The City #6 (Of 6)(Cover A Khary Randolph), $4.99
EC Archives Weird Science Volume 3 TP, $19.99
Miss Truesdale And The Fall Of Hyperborea HC, $24.99
Shook A Black Horror Anthology TP, $24.99
Alan Scott The Green Lantern #4 (Of 6)(Cover A David Talaski), $3.99
Alan Scott The Green Lantern #4 (Of 6)(Cover B Nick Robles Card Stock Variant), $4.99
Alan Scott The Green Lantern #4 (Of 6)(Cover C Skylar Patridge Card Stock Variant), AR
Batman #428 Robin Lives (One Shot)(2nd Printing Cover A Mike Mignola Black White & Red Variant), $4.99
Batman #428 Robin Lives (One Shot)(2nd Printing Cover B Jim Aparo Card Stock Variant), $5.99
Batman And Robin 2024 Annual #1 (One Shot)(Cover A Howard Porter), $5.99
Batman And Robin 2024 Annual #1 (One Shot)(Cover B David Nakayama Card Stock Variant), $6.99
Batman And Robin 2024 Annual #1 (One Shot)(Cover C Dustin Nguyen Card Stock Variant), $6.99
Batman And Robin 2024 Annual #1 (One Shot)(Cover D Gleb Melnikov Card Stock Variant), AR
Batman Off-World #3 (Of 6)(Cover A Doug Mahnke), $3.99
Batman Off-World #3 (Of 6)(Cover B Christian Ward Card Stock Variant), $4.99
Batman Off-World #3 (Of 6)(Cover C Alan Quah Card Stock Variant), AR
Batman Off-World #3 (Of 6)(Cover D Doug Mahnke Black & White Card Stock Variant), AR
Batman Superman World’s Finest 2024 Annual #1 (One Shot)(Cover A Dan Mora), $4.99
Batman Superman World’s Finest 2024 Annual #1 (One Shot)(Cover B John Giang Card Stock Variant), $5.99
Batman Superman World’s Finest 2024 Annual #1 (One Shot)(Cover C Jamal Campbell Card Stock Variant), $5.99
Batman Superman World’s Finest 2024 Annual #1 (One Shot)(Cover D Gerald Parel Card Stock Variant), AR
Batman Superman World’s Finest 2024 Annual #1 (One Shot)(Cover E Mark Spears Card Stock Variant), AR
Batman Urban Legends Volume 6 TP, $29.99
DC Connect #45, AR
DC Power 2024 #1 (One Shot)(Cover A Chase Conley), $9.99
DC Power 2024 #1 (One Shot)(Cover B Jamal Campbell Wraparound Variant), $9.99
DC Power 2024 #1 (One Shot)(Cover C Denys Cowan), $9.99
DC Power 2024 #1 (One Shot)(Cover D Jamal Campbell Fifth Color Wraparound Variant), AR
Justice League Vs. Godzilla Vs. Kong #3 (Of 7)(2nd Printing Cover A Jonboy Meyers), $4.99
Power Girl Uncovered #1 (One Shot)(Cover A Pablo Villalobos), $5.99
Power Girl Uncovered #1 (One Shot)(Cover B Dan Mora), $5.99
Power Girl Uncovered #1 (One Shot)(Cover C Stjepan Sejic), $5.99
Power Girl Uncovered #1 (One Shot)(Cover D Joshua Sway Swaby Foil Variant), $7.99
Power Girl Uncovered #1 (One Shot)(Cover E Pete Woods), AR
Power Girl Uncovered #1 (One Shot)(Cover F Daniel Bayliss), AR
Titans Beast World #6 (Of 6)(Cover A Ivan Reis), $5.99
Titans Beast World #6 (Of 6)(Cover B Bjorn Barends Card Stock Variant), $6.99
Titans Beast World #6 (Of 6)(Cover C Mike Deodato Jr. Card Stock Variant), $6.99
Titans Beast World #6 (Of 6)(Cover D Clayton Henry Lenticular Variant), $7.99
Trinity Special #1 (One Shot)(Cover A Daniel Sampere), $5.99
Trinity Special #1 (One Shot)(Cover B Jorge Jimenez Card Stock Variant), $6.99
Trinity Special #1 (One Shot)(Cover C Belen Ortega Card Stock Variant), $6.99
Trinity Special #1 (One Shot)(Cover D Mitch Gerads Card Stock Variant), AR
Trinity Special #1 (One Shot)(Cover E Evan Doc Shaner Card Stock Variant), AR
Waller Vs. Wildstorm HC, $24.99
Previews #425 (February 2024), $4.99
Somna #2 (Cover A Tula Lotay Wraparound Variant), $8.99
Somna #2 (Cover B Becky Cloonan Wraparound Variant), $8.99
Somna #2 (Cover C Emily Carroll Wraparound Variant), AR
Lilo And Stitch #1 (Cover A Joshua Middleton), $3.99
Lilo And Stitch #1 (Cover B David Nakayama), $3.99
Lilo And Stitch #1 (Cover C Jennifer L. Meyer), $3.99
Sheena Queen Of The Jungle Volume 2 #5 (Cover A Lucio Parrillo), $4.99
IDW Monthly Title Catalog February 2024, AR
Star Trek Picard’s Academy #5 (Cover A Sweeney Boo), $3.99
Dark Ride #10 (Cover A Andrei Bressan & Adriano Lucas), $3.99
Dark Ride #10 (Cover B Declan Shalvey), $3.99
Dark Ride #10 (Cover C Luana Vecchio), $3.99
Dark Ride #10 (Cover D Dennis Culver & Tony Fleecs), AR
Dead Lucky #11 (Cover A French Carlomagno), $3.99
Deadly Class Compendium TP (per Lunar Distribution), $59.99
Duke #2 (Of 5)(Cover A Tom Reilly), $3.99
Duke #2 (Of 5)(Cover B Ricardo Lopez Ortiz), $3.99
Duke #2 (Of 5)(Cover C Tyler Boss Connecting Variant), AR
Duke #2 (Of 5)(Cover D ACO), AR
Duke #2 (Of 5)(Cover E Nick Dragotta), AR
Edenwood #4 (Cover A Tony S. Daniel), $3.99
Edenwood #4 (Cover B Tony S. Daniel), $3.99
Edenwood #4 (Cover C Tony S. Daniel), $3.99
Edenwood #4 (Cover D Javier Fernandez), $3.99
G.I. Joe A Real American Hero #302 (2nd Printing Cover A Danny Earls), $3.99
Killadelphia #33 (Cover A Jason Shawn Alexander), $3.99
Killadelphia #33 (Cover B Don Aguillo), $3.99
Killadelphia #33 (Cover C Jason Shawn Alexander Noir Edition Variant), $3.99
King Spawn #30 (Cover A Francesco Tomaselli & Javi Fernandez), $2.99
King Spawn #30 (Cover B Francesco Mattina), $2.99
Local Man #9 (Cover A Tim Seely & Tony Fleecs), $3.99
Local Man #9 (Cover B Jim Valentino), $3.99
Local Man #9 (Cover C Tim Seeley & Tony Fleecs), $3.99
Moon Man #1 (Cover A Marco Locati), $3.99
Moon Man #1 (Cover B Erica D’Urso), $3.99
Moon Man #1 (Cover C Rod Reis), $3.99
Moon Man #1 (Cover D Sanford Greene), AR
Moon Man #1 (Cover E Christain Ward), AR
Moon Man #1 (Cover F Matt Taylor), AR
Moon Man #1 (Cover G Bill Sienkiewicz), AR
Quest #5 (Cover A Jonathan Luna), $3.99
Syphon Volume 2 #3 (Of 4)(Cover A Jeff Edwards & John Kalisz), $3.99
Syphon Volume 2 #3 (Of 4)(Cover B Lyndon White), $3.99
Void Rivals #2 (5th Printing Cover A Jahnoy Lindsay), $3.99
Void Rivals #3 (4th Printing Cover A Elizabeth Torque), $3.99
Void Rivals #4 (3rd Printing Cover A Flaviano Connecting Variant), $3.99
Void Rivals #5 (3rd Printing Cover A Flaviano Connecting Variant), $3.99
w0rldtr33 #7 (Cover A Fernando Blanco), $3.99
w0rldtr33 #7 (Cover B Alison Sampson), $3.99
w0rldtr33 #7 (Cover C Andrea Sorrentino), AR
w0rldtr33 #7 (Cover D Maria Llovet), AR
Amazing Spider-Man #252 (Facsimile Edition)(Cover A Ron Frenz)(New Printing), $4.99
Amazing Spider-Man #252 (Facsimile Edition)(Cover B Ron Frenz Foil Variant)(New Printing), AR
Amazing Spider-Man #252 (Facsimile Edition)(Cover C Charles Vess Hidden Gem Variant)(New Printing), AR
Avengers Inc. #5 (Cover A Daniel Acuna), $3.99
Avengers Inc. #5 (Cover B Greg Hildebrandt & Tim Hildebrandt Vision Marvel Masterpieces III Variant), AR
Avengers Inc. #5 (Cover C Todd Nauck Wolverine Wolverine Wolverine Variant), AR
Avengers Inc. #5 (Cover D Greg Hildebrandt & Tim Hildebrandt Vision Marvel Masterpieces III Virgin Variant), AR
Avengers Twilight #2 (Cover A Alex Ross), $4.99
Avengers Twilight #2 (Cover B Greg Smallwood), AR
Avengers Twilight #2 (Cover C Sergio Davila), AR
Avengers Twilight #2 (Cover D Daniel Acuna), AR
Avengers Twilight #2 (Cover E Greg Smallwood Virgin Variant), AR
Avengers Twilight #2 (Cover F Superlog), AR
Avengers Twilight #2 (Cover G Phil Noto Lightning Bolt Virgin Variant), AR
Avengers Twilight #2 (Cover H Phil Noto Lightning Bolt Variant), AR
Captain Britain By Betsy Braddock TP, $17.99
Carnage #3 (Cover A Paulo Siqueira), $4.99
Carnage #3 (Cover B Ryan Brown), AR
Carnage #3 (Cover C Greg Hildebrandt & Tim Hildebrandt Carnage Marvel Masterpieces III Variant), AR
Carnage #3 (Cover D Greg Hildebrandt & Tim Hildebrandt Carnage Marvel Masterpieces III Virgin Variant), AR
Daredevil Born Again Gallery Edition HC, $50.00
Dark Avengers Modern Era Epic Collection Volume 1Osborn’s Reign TP, $49.99
Dead X-Men #1 (Cover A Pere Perez), $4.99
Dead X-Men #1 (Cover B Lucas Werneck Virgin Variant), AR
Dead X-Men #1 (Cover C Lucas Werneck), AR
Dead X-Men #1 (Cover D Lesley Leirix Li), AR
Dead X-Men #1 (Cover E Kevin Eastman Wolverine Wolverine Wolverine Variant), AR
Deadly Hands Of Kung Fu Gang War #2 (Cover A David Aja), $3.99
Deadly Hands Of Kung Fu Gang War #2 (Cover B Marcus To), AR
Incredible Hulk #8 (Cover A Nic Klein), $3.99
Incredible Hulk #8 (Cover B Dustin Nguyen Wolverine Wolverine Wolverine Variant), AR
Incredible Hulk #8 (Cover C Chad Wayne Hardin), AR
Iron Fist Danny Rand The Early Years Omnibus HC (Dave Cockrum Direct Market Cover), $125.00
Iron Fist Danny Rand The Early Years Omnibus HC (Gil Kane Book Market Cover), $125.00
Marvel Previews Volume 6 #29 (February 2024), AR
Marvel Super Heroes Secret Wars Battleworld #3 (Cover A Giuseppe Camuncoli), $3.99
Marvel Super Heroes Secret Wars Battleworld #3 (Cover B Ken Lashley), AR
Marvel Super Heroes Secret Wars Battleworld #3 (Cover C John Tyler Christopher Action Figure Variant), AR
Marvel Super Heroes Secret Wars Battleworld #3 (Cover D Todd Nauck Connecting Variant), AR
Marvel Super Heroes Secret Wars Battleworld #3 (Cover E Leonardo Romero), AR
Marvel Super Heroes Secret Wars Battleworld #3 (Cover F Giuseppe Camuncoli Virgin Variant), AR
Marvel Super Heroes Secret Wars Battleworld #3 (Cover G Greg Hildebrandt & Tim Hildebrandt Cyclops Marvel Masterpieces III Variant), AR
Marvel Super Heroes Secret Wars Battleworld #3 (Cover H Greg Hildebrandt & Tim Hildebrandt Cyclops Marvel Masterpieces III Virgin Variant), AR
Marvel’s Voices Legends #1 (Cover A Canaan White), $5.99
Marvel’s Voices Legends #1 (Cover B Sean Damien Hill), AR
Marvel’s Voices Legends #1 (Cover C Mateus Manhanini), AR
Marvel’s Voices Legends #1 (Cover D Edwin Galmon), AR
Miguel O’Hara Spider-Man 2099 #5 (Cover A Nick Bradshaw), $3.99
Miguel O’Hara Spider-Man 2099 #5 (Cover B Clayton Crain), AR
Miguel O’Hara Spider-Man 2099 #5 (Cover C Stefano Raffaele Design Variant), AR
Miguel O’Hara Spider-Man 2099 #5 (Cover D Todd Nauck Connecting Variant), AR
Sabretooth And The Exiles TP, $17.99
Spider-Boy #3 (Cover A Humberto Ramos), $4.99
Spider-Boy #3 (Cover B Federico Vicentini Stormbreakers Variant), AR
Spider-Boy #3 (Cover C David Baldeon Wolverine Wolverine Wolverine Variant), AR
Spider-Boy #3 (Cover D Leinil Francis Yu), AR
Spider-Boy #3 (Cover E Humberto Ramos Virgin Variant), AR
Spider-Boy #3 (Cover F Paco Medina Marvel Comics Presents Variant), AR
Spider-Man Clone Saga Omnibus Volume 1 HC (Mark Bagley Direct Market Cover)(New Printing), $125.00
Spider-Man Clone Saga Omnibus Volume 1 HC (Ron Lim Book Market Cover)(New Printing), $125.00
Spine-Tingling Spider-Man #4 (Cover A Juan Ferreyra), $3.99
Star Wars Doctor Aphra #40 (Cover A Betsy Cola), $4.99
Star Wars Doctor Aphra #40 (Cover B Ben Harvey), AR
Star Wars Doctor Aphra #40 (Cover C Logo), AR
Posted by Sara