CC Baltimore City Store Announcement Party & Sale! (10/09-10/11)

CC Baltimore City Store Announcement Party & Sale! (10/09-10/11)
Baltimore City Location Announcement Party & Sale this Weekend that will continue the Killer Savings we featured at BCC, in our Basement if you missed the convention... Find out Exactly when and where this Location will be Open only at the Party, in the meantime come out and how your support and spend during our Announcement Party Phase 1, During Phase 1 any Member that Spends $100 or More will have their Name Added to the CC Army Memorial Plaque showing your Support of our expansion leading up to the Opening, this Memorial Plaque will Hang in the New Location in Honor of our Loyal Supporters!
In Store Sale Discounts applied at Both Locations!
Friday October 9th 11AM- 9PM
Saturday October 10th 11 AM - 9 PM
Sunday October 11th 12 PM - 6 PM
Upstairs at Parkville HQ
$1 NEW Comics 15/$10
$3 Carded Action Figures 4/$10
$1 Manga 15/$10
+ $2 Blowout TPBS & Graphic Novels
6 for $10
+ Loose Figures $1, $1 Magazines & other Cool Stuff only taken to conventions or stored away til this SALE!
In the Store - ALL Hardcover Trade Paperbacks & Graphic Novels Older than two weeks will be 20% Off. Including Omnibus, Archives, Masterworks & Absolute Editions!
In the Store - ALL Softcover Trade Paperback & Graphic Novels older than TWO WEEKS are 20% Off!
In the Store : ALL Board & Boxed Games are 20% Off.
In the Store - In the BACK ISSUES BINS VAULT & SHOWCASE - ALL Bagged & Boarded COMICS 50% Off.
*(Excluding Only Consignment & New This Week or Last Week Back Issues Arrivals)
In the Store - All T-Shirts will be $15 Each or 3 for $40.
ALL COMICS in our DAILY DEALS DOLLAR Section normally $1 EACH 15 for $10 will be $50 Cents Each or 3 for $1.00
MAKE A LONG BOX for $50.
In the Store - ALL NEW COMICS older than 1 Month will be 20% Off Cover Prices.
In the Store - ALL VARIANT COVERS Older than TWO WEEKS will be 75% Off Sticker Price.
In the Store - ALL Toys & Statues older than TWO WEEKS are 20% Off!
*(Excludes New This Week & New Last Week Merchandise, TCGS, CMGS & Funko Pop & Reaction Figures, Blind Box Figures & Accessories)